Exotic Plants

A basic guide to these wonderful things that god created.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Exotic Plants

Well, since i'm testing this, I'm just gonna try posting very little info. Most of you may term exotic plants as....? What are exotic plants? Well, that's something that most people avoid as these need care and attention.

Lets look at an example, say f'rinstance the common Staghorn Fern. Locally known as 'Tanduk Rusa' in Malay, these beauties are found throughout the jungles of Malaysia. A unique plant that most Balinese-style-homes would have hanging under the porch. The plant is unique as it has 2 types of leaves or rather fronds, the shield frond and the common frond which drapes down like the antlers of a staghorn. These may grow to a whopping length of 5 - 8 feet if cared for well.

Anyhow, as mentioned, this section is a test, if there are anyone interested in more info about these kind of plants, you can contact me. Till my next blog, Ja~ne.